Is this retro arcade game as colourful as it sounds?
In this retro-style arcade game, you have to shoot the monsters to gather coloured spheres! Get three of the same colour in a row to get a weapon upgrade! Upgrade all three colours to win!
The idea is simple, fly your ship to avoid and shoot enemies, collect their spheres in the same colour 3 times to upgrade your weapon, rinse and repeat. It’s not the easiest thing to do as you can accidentally pick up the wrong colour if a lot of spheres are scattered across the screen, so you need to be careful and strategically choose where you want enemies to leave their spheres.
If you pick up a wrong colour, the chain is broken and you’ll need to try to gather three of the same from scratch. Your weapon will be the same level it was unless you run out of lives, so at least it doesn’t punish you too much. Having said that, it does get progressively harder as you try and keep levelling up.
The visuals are about as simple as you can get. They’ve definitely got the right vibe for an old-school arcade game, plus the soundtrack sounds authentically retro as well. There are also double achievement/trophy lists for those who want to attempt them.
The Verdict
Overdrive Blaster is a very simple, brief title that is more for trophy/achievement hunters and at a low price point, you’ll get a taste of retro gaming that will net you a double Platinum or 2000 Gamerscore quite quickly.
Score: 6.0
Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from