Can a fast-paced FPS work in VR?
RIGS: Mechanized Combat League is a fast-paced mech-based shooter for PSVR. It has turned fighting mechs into a sport and contains a solid single-player, as well as an amazing online mode that really puts your skills to the test.
If you think of Titanfall meets VR with added speed you wouldn’t be far off, except instead of huge maps we get arenas to fight in. Using the VR to either tilt your aim or also move your entire perspective is tricky at first, but soon becomes second nature as you fight other mechs. You’ll have to endure a rather lengthy tutorial that you can’t skip, but after you can get fighting either against AI or online opponents.
It’s the sort of game you can imagine eSports will be all over. It’s got that massive competitive edge that games like COD and Battlefield offer, but on a more defined platform. It almost feels like it’s been built specifically for it too, especially with the sports edge to it…even the subtitle “Mechanized Combat League” screams eSports.
Getting around and shooting is fast-paced as you would expect, but it’s also incredibly easy to get to grips with. There will naturally be those who sadly suffer motion-sickness and won’t be able to get much out of RIGS, but for everyone else…it’s really hard to deny it’s addictive nature. It can be played either in short bursts or in longer goes, but it really depends on you…I can manage a few matches before I need a rest. So it really depends on how much VR you can take in one go.
Visually, RIGS is the best looking of all the PSVR launch games. It runs incredibly smoothly with no framerate issues, while the VR is intense and immersive. You actually feel you are inside the mech, which I felt added to my overall competitive nature as well. The sound effects and bits of voice-acting during the tutorial are high quality too.
The Verdict
RIGS is one of the best PSVR launch games, no doubt. If you can stomach the VR, then this could be right up your alley and a definite contender for the FPS crown in 2016.