PS4 Review: Destiny: Rise of Iron

Should you continue with your destiny?

Destiny: Rise of Iron is the next expansion to the Destiny universe. It features an all new cinematic story campaign set within The Plaguelands, a brand new location on Earth. Under the command of Lord Saladin you will face a new faction of Fallen Devils, the Splicers, while unravelling the mystery of the Iron Lords. Rise of Iron features new weapons, armor, and gear, as well as a new cooperative three-player Strike, a new mode and maps for the Crucible competitive multiplayer, and an all new six-player cooperative Raid.
That’s the official summary of what’s on offer for the latest expansion for Destiny, known as Rise of Iron. I’ve spent many, many hours on the base game as well as the past expansions…although I must admit, I haven’t actually beaten the final raid in The Taken King…I just haven’t managed to get the right group together, maybe one day…but back to the matter at hand. I thought after TTK that Bungie would announce Destiny 2, but instead they surprised us all by announcing yet another expansion pack…one that won’t be heading to PS3 and 360 players.
Rise of Iron itself is actually the best expansion pack to date, even if the main story missions itself are over fairly quickly…it does provide some great new features and memorable moments. It also provides new equipment and more challenges to the Destiny community. The expansion fits in really well and made me a slave to the game once again.

Some might question the length of the expansion and while it is short, it did brings me back to the game after a while away. Of course, chances are if you weren’t a fan of Destiny before…Rise of Iron is going to do little to win you over. It’s more of the same, wherever you like it or not. It may not have the charm of the Dreadnaught from TTK but Rise of Iron’s location is one to remember.

The Verdict

On the whole, Rise of Iron is a damn fine addition to an already packed game. Destiny has come a long way since it launched and while it’s divided gamers, those who have decided to stick with it have had their loyalty rewarded. I would imagine however, that this is probably the last expansion and Destiny 2 will be the main focus now. Not that that’s a bad thing, we’ve had a good few years of expansions and now it’s time to rest before the sequel.

Score: 8.0