Any objections?
Court is back in session with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy! Featuring three games – Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice – join Apollo Justice on his journey to bring order to the courts and bring an end to the dark age of the law!
The Ace Attorney games has some of the weirdest, funny and brilliant moments that I have come across over the years. I’ve had the pleasure of playing the originals, as well as the remakes of the original trilogy that I reviewed here and it’s Victorian-era spin-off here. This collection includes the first Apollo Justice game that debuted on DS, as well as the following two titles that were released on 3DS.
Capcom have done a great job in sprucing up the game from its original portable roots to a fully fledged HD collection. With the 3DS online store dying last year, the only previous way to get the last two games would be either by finding a physical copy or through an emulator which is far from ideal (or legal) so it’s great to see that these games have found a new home on consoles.
There’s a lot of content to get your teeth into here and plenty of courtroom madness to keep you amused and bewildered. All in all, it took me a good 50+ hours or so to make my way through this trilogy, even with having played the games previously on DS/3DS. Naturally, these versions have had slight changes made to the menus and the like to replace the former touchscreen/dual-screen support, but they are still the same classic games that we know and love.
The visual upgrade is definitely impressive. It might be slightly jarring to those new to the series that the first game has 2D visuals, only for the following 2 to have 3D visuals but once they understand the gap between the games in terms of release and the hardware they were both originally on, then it all makes sense. The music hasn’t lost its touch and neither has the battle-cry for an Objection!
The Verdict
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is another fine collection from Capcom. It brings the final Ace Attorney games to consoles and with it poses a question…will there ever be a new entry now that the final pieces of the jigsaw are assembled? We can only hope. Until then, this court finds this game well worth a buy!