Is this hybrid worth your cash?
Tekken Hybrid comes with 2 games…well I say 2 games, more like 1 full game and a demo of another. The full game is a HD remake of Tekken Tag Tournament, complete with all modes and even an amusing bowling mini-game, while the demo is of the upcoming sequel and comes with a choice of 4 fighters to choose from.
Now if you never played the original TTT then this is a great game for you, think of how other tag fighting games work…well Tekken does things differently, you can only choose 2 fighters as opposed to the usual 3 and unlike the others, if you lose a single character, the match ends. It makes things more strategic than simply trying to beat your opponent with 3 characters till you lose them all. The campaign is your standard fighting arcade type, while the fighters are nice mixture of typical anime types.
The game also comes with 3D support and trophies to earn, some of which are easy like throwing a bowling ball at an observer, while others are harder like winning a match with only 5% health left. It shouldn’t take you too long to get through it though; it’s pretty slim pickings in terms of content. The demo for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Prologue was frankly disappointing; I honestly don’t know why they even bothered adding it in since you can only pick 2 of 4 characters and each of the few fights you enter mixes up your 2 opponents out of that roster, which becomes old quick.
The HD remake of the first game is decent, although I do wonder why it was necessary in the first place to release it as a full retail title, the price tag suggests that there should be a lot of content, but instead it’s priced way too high for what’s on offer. The visuals for the original have had a nice upgrade, while the demo for TTT2P looks impressive…despite the lack of options.
The Verdict
Tekken Hybrid provides a good remake of a fighting classic, but adds in a demo that has very little to offer. The balance between fighters is important in a fighting game and it works well here, but there’s not enough on the disc to justify the £30 price tag.