Best Card and Slots Games on Consoles/PC

Today we are going to look at some card and slot machine games for consoles and PC and see what the best ones are.

Fable II Pub Games

This was an addition to Fable II which allowed you to earn money to use within the game, as long as you were good at it. It also gave you in-game bonuses if you hit certain milestones, it may have been incredibly frustrating at times but it paid off in dividends when you won big and saved a small fortune in Albion.

Uncharted: Fight For Fortune

It was a big surprise to see this strategy card game hit Vita, especially after seeing Golden Abyss which felt like your typical Uncharted experience. The good thing is that you could connect Golden Abyss to Fight For Fortune for new cards depending on your progress and particular earned trophies in Golden Abyss. It may not have been the game Uncharted fans were hoping for, but it was still an undeniable card game and one is worth a look.

Sonic 2 – Casino Night Zone

Ok so this isn’t technically a whole game, but these levels have slot machines all over the place and is well worth a gamble to earn more rings and lives, but you can lose it all by getting 3 Robotnik/Eggman slots in a row as spikes descend on your character. Sonic 2 still remains one of Sega’s best and the Casino-style levels have made a number of appearances throughout the series with the same basic premise.

Other titles that deserve a mention are Gin Rummy for XBLA which has 6 varients of the classic Rummy game. Metal Gear Acid 1 and 2 were both card-strategy based games and although not canon to the MGS saga, still worthy entries. Finally, Uno for XBLA which can be played with 4 players online and has a list of different cards to choose from. It can be highly enjoyable and competitive online or with friends.